Baobabooks to Participate in Education 2.0 Conference in Dubai

Baobabooks to Participate in Education 2.0 Conference in Dubai

The rise of advanced AI technologies like ChatGPT is prompting educators around the world to rethink traditional teaching methods. At the recent Education 2.0 conference in Dubai, Soukeina Mamodhoussen, Head of Education and Learning at Baobabooks, shared her views on a panel entitled “Using ChatGPT as a Teaching Assistant: Supporting Educators in Lesson Planning and Instruction.”

The panel explored how AI can transform education by empowering teachers, streamlining lesson planning, and delivering more personalised learning experiences. During her presentation, Soukeina highlighted opportunities for leveraging ChatGPT to move away from rote learning and standardised assessments toward cultivating essential skills like empathy, resilience, and collaboration.

“By embracing AI as a co-pilot rather than viewing it as a replacement for human educators, we can reimagine learning as an interactive journey of discovery,” Soukeina stated. “ChatGPT can alleviate the burden of tedious tasks, freeing up educators to focus on higher-order skills that nurture the whole student.”

Key points discussed included engaging all stakeholders in the AI education transformation, overcoming barriers to adoption, and redesigning curricula to make lesson planning and instruction more efficient and impactful with AI’s support.

Reflecting on the panel, Soukeina said, “The Education 2.0 conference gathers leaders dedicated to reshaping education from all over the world. It was an opportunity to contribute my insights and learn from other innovators. This panel was an insightful exploration into the future of education powered by AI capabilities.”

As a thought leader in educational technology, Baobabooks is pioneering the integration of AI into its platforms, empowering teachers and students to embrace the possibilities that come with responsible AI adoption in education.

About Baobabooks

Baobabooks is an award-winning, Swiss-based social impact company that partners with educators to engage and empower young learners to express their unique voices while improving their writing literacy skills. Our AI-supported online platform leverages teacher-friendly technology to support classroom-based and remote learning in a fun and engaging way for students.

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