Inspire students as imaginative and creative writers and artists.

Baobabooks’ platform is endorsed by The Education Alliance Finland for global quality standards for learning solutions.

Create assignments tailored to the individual needs of your students
An efficient way to provide effective and motivating support to students
Our interactive writing platform engages students in a fun way
Enhances the teaching of writing and is applicable both online and in the classroom
Select individual, group, or whole class assignments from an existing resource library, or create your own assignments based on your students’ needs.
Students can choose from one of four book formats to publish stories, including our new poetry platform. Custom-made templates can also be created to personalize student writing.
Students can share published writing digitally or via our print option, contributing to the classroom library or for their own personal collection.
Baobabooks offers a variety of writing engagements to meet the needs of students at all stages of their writing development.
Students take pride in seeing their work displayed and published. Baobabooks allows students to write authentically for a real audience, with a tangible finished product to look forward to.
More Features
Effective tools to improve and enhance student writing
Intuitive teacher dashboard
Access teacher features and functions. With a single click you can access our resources and student stories.
Support your students’ learning with our innovative teacher tools
Support student writing with our innovative teacher tools such as rubrics, checklists and graphic organizers.
Collaborate with colleagues
Assign group tasks, share classes or collaborate with colleagues on writing projects.
Differentiate assignments and task
Adapt assignments to meet the specific needs and interests of students.
Get started for free or become a Premium member
Explore the platform and use our essential writing tools
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Use our additional time-saving features to enhance your experience
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Explore the platform and use our essential writing tools
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The possibilities are endless! Create a free account today and join the Baobabooks community of writers!