Congratulations to our ‘Make a Difference’ SDG Summer Writing Challenge Winners!

Age Group 9-12 Writing Challenge Winners!

It is our pleasure to spotlight the talented young writers aged 9-12 years who are the winners in our 2023 Summer Writing Challenge.

The End of the World

Nathan Pillai

“Turn off the lights when you leave the room!”, mum called out. Everyday she yelled at me for wasting electricity, saying it would run out one day. I did not believe that. She was probably just worried about the cost. Why did she have to act as if it was the end of the world?

Women – a poem for gender equality

Maragathavalli PB

We women are like a seed,
We are stronger than we seem…

Ashwin’s turtle rescue mission

Chrisy Retchanya

Ashwin’s dad has been transferred to Odisha. This news bothered him and his younger…

Age Group 13-15 Writing Challenge Winners!

It is our pleasure to spotlight the talented young writers aged 13-15 years who are the winners in our 2023 Summer Writing Challenge.

Guardians of the Earth: A Plea for Preservation

Akshat Bhaskar

In the vast expanse of cosmic delight,
Where stars ignite the canvas of the night,
Our humble Earth, a jewel in the array,
A fragile home we must cherish and sway.

Climate Action!

Srinika Mathur

In the heat, polar ice melts away,
Creating a pool of water,
On it, a polar bear starts to sway,…

Building a Sustainable Future: Cities, Communities, and Beyond

Himani Upahdyaya

Sustainable cities and communities are the keys to a better future. As a 15-year-old who cares…

Challenge Partners

We are very proud to be partnering with organizations that promote children’s development and expression as we do. Check out some of them below!
School of Humanity Wise Qatar Z Notes The Hindu Group The Hindu School The Hindu Young World